Canberra Soft Tissue Therapy Team
Colin Frost
About Colin
Colin is a dedicated therapist eager to identify and treat the cause of a medical problem, rather than just treat the symptoms. All too often an underlying stability issue can cause the body to adopt strategies in form and function that inevitably lead to injuries. We can usually identify and correct these issues.
Special areas of interest are powerlifting, Olympic weight lifting, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, functional fitness and martial arts.
Advanced Diploma Health Science – Soft Tissue Therapy (CIT)
Diploma – Remedial Massage (CIT)
Cert III – Fitness (CIT)
Joanne Elphinston Movement System JEMS 1, 2 & 3
Kinesio Taping KT 1, 2 & 3
Myofascial Dry Needling Upper and Lower Body
Functional Fascial Taping
Onsen Techniques Volumes I, II, III & IV (Muscle Energy Technique)
Advanced Sports Taping – Sports Medicine Australia
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health services
We are located in Mitchell, just a few
minutes’ drive away from Gungahlin.
Try one of our specialised health services
We are located in Mitchell, just a few minutes’ drive away from Gungahlin.

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